TIEFIX-twist is a wire-reinforced plastic “twistband” ribbon, ideally suited for tying
bags containing pasta, biscuits, bread, bakeryproducts, etc.
It allows for an easy opening and reclosing of the bag, so keeping the content fresh and insulated.

Also available in 100% biodegradable paper: the wire rusts and becomes an iron salt while the paper absorbs moisture and decomposes into a cellulose fibre… A entirely eco-friendly process!

For all bag-closing machines

Roll with its reusable adapter – Tiefix spool-less rolls: no empty rolls to dispose of and doubled continuous-closing capacity

Pre-cut twist-ties in bundles of 1000 pieces of any length, for manual application

Spools and spool-less rolls, in lengths from 500 to 2000 meters to feed all automatic or semi-automatic bag tyers: Burford, AMF, Thurlings,Masterfix, Imasezzadio, Zennato, Comiz, Comipack, etc.
(registered trademarks)